Friday, August 7, 2009

Raisin-My Canine Nephew

Sorry that I haven't posted, I have been really sick with bronchitis and a sinus infection. I am feeling better now, thank God!
I did manage to make it to my "canine" nephew, Raisin's 11th birthday. It was the best entertainment that I have had in a long time.
To the left is Raisin with his "mom", my sisiter-in-law, and his birthday cake. This cake is made from all wholesome ingredients. I will be posting the recipe for this on my other blog, Food! Food! Food!.
While Raisin was outside, my sister-in-law placed his gifts in the family room. The rest of us seated ourselves and waited for Raisin to be let in. I just had to laugh. Raisin knew exactly what was
happening. As soon as the door was opened, he darted for the family room and immediately started tearing into his gifts. As soon as he had one opened to where you could see what it was, he would go for another. I have never seen anything like it. He is so smart and soooo cute.
To the right is Raisin going after another gift. The hanky around his neck says, "It's my birthday." He is just adorable.
Raisin received enough treats to last him for six
months and he loves stuffed animals. He will actually suck on them like a pacifier. To the left is Raisin "tearin it up". He is such a good Boston Terrior. My sister-in-law sure can train a dog!
When it was time for the cake my sister-in-law cut a piece into bite sized pieces and Raisin devoured it. He really likes that cake. It was a lot of fun watching him enjoy his birthday. I was glad that I was able to be a part of it.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Blogger sure makes blogging fun!

I have been using Blogger for about a year now. When I first heard of this site I didn't even know what blogging was. It didn't take me long to learn but, it did take me almost all this time to actually blog. It sure does put your brain to work trying to decide what to write about I'll tell you that! Blogging has become so popular that businesses are even doing it. Almost every website that I go to has a blog. This is a wonderful way for them to keep their customers informed about new products, promotions or anything that may be relevent. I also think that blogging makes it more personal for the consumer. It gives you that "they care" feeling. If you are on a website and you have a question that you can't seem to find an answer to, check out their blog (if they have one), you just might find your answer there. It has happened to me. Blogger still rules!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Still the Best!

It's been months now since I first created this blog, or mini site is what I like to call it. I still can't find a better site for blogging than this. I must say that Blogger still rules. They have done some updates in the past months, also. They have added a Monetize button for Adsense which makes adding it even easier. More gadgets have been added also. Oh, you can now add a following button on your blog and people can sign up to follow you. Pretty cool, huh? Again I say it, Blogger Rules!
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